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The Positivity Xperience

Jan 30, 2022

You want someone else's reason and then often debate that reason unless something fits the narrative that you have created in your mind. Their reason will never be valid to you.

 My Aha moment came 20 some years ago after a conversation with a cousin.  That specific moment I released the need toi know why some of my...

Jan 23, 2022

Do you use words like always or never, perfect or disaster?  These are only a couple examples of all or nothing thinking.  Finding the gray area is one of the keys to balance.  If you go all in to only give up on whatever you went all in is also all or nothing. 

Finding the many shades of gray in your day to day life...

Jan 16, 2022

One sticking point on your journey of self love is accepting someone for who they are, not who you want them to be.  Its accepting that just because you want someone in your life, they may not be in alignment with you and that IS ok. It is important to not chase but attract. Let's chat about it.


For all my other...

Jan 9, 2022

Trauma is something that all of us have in one form or another.  For years my trauma defined me though anger and the idea that the world and all my relationships owed me something.  This led to years of anxiety, overthinking and all in all misery. 

This changed for me when I knew that there was something that I had to...

Jan 2, 2022

How much time do you spend each day on social media?  Do you find yourself scrolling for hours?  Social media as a tool is an amazing wonderful thing.  Social media as a distraction is a slippery slope that will send you on a constant need to scroll for the dopamine release.  

I will share with you my strategies and how...