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The Positivity Xperience

Oct 31, 2021

If you have ever heard of manifestation and did a vision board to tell the universe what you want, that is often desperate energy.  You will never attract from desperation, scarcity or fear.  In manifestatipn you can't fake it till you make it.  

Manifesting is about being in alignment. In order to be in alignment, you...

Oct 24, 2021

Do you feel stuck in your life?  Stuck is honestly just another word for overwhelm.  You want new jobs and relationships but feel like you can't even put one foot in front of the other.  Feeling stuck can also result from you wanting new things to "fill a void".  

I want to share with you five tips and clarity as to why...

Oct 17, 2021

How many times have to started a project only to not feel motivated to complete it?  You tell yourself you are going to accomplish these giant goals but feel that its overwhelming to the point of not doing any of it.  

Micro goals will be your very best friend in achieving these goals.  Knowing when to implement the cut...

Oct 10, 2021

Intrusive thoughts can be scary and make you question your sanity.  The key is to understand that intrusive thoughts are only thoughts and not facts.  When you have OCD and Anxiety they are often more exacerbated but all people on the planet have intrusive thoughts.  

The key is not not overanalyze them and question the...

Oct 3, 2021

Reaction vs response is one huge key in long term healthy relationships and especially the one in which you have with yourself.   How many times have you been on the receiving end of someone in total reaction mode?  You shut down and do not listen to what the person is saying.  It's the self awarness of your responses...