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The Positivity Xperience

Jul 31, 2022

The definition of a boundary in the dictonary: ....a line that marks the limits of an area; a divding line.

This is something to remind yourself of when developing and establishing your boundaries.  Think of that dividing line and the limits in which you need to establish a healthy boundary that originates withing\ and...

Jul 24, 2022

What if this doesn't work, what if I live alone for the rest of my life & What if they cheat on me are just a few examples of what if catostrophic thinking.  

While linked to OCD, anxiety and depression doesn't mean that you have to struggle with this forever but you do have to want to release the control and need to...

Jul 18, 2022

Self love is a love like no other.  It is the most fulfilling love you will ever know in your life.  You read the meme's and do the things to work towards that feeling but do you beleive that you deserve it?  

You have to start at the basics with self love of accepting that you are in control of that love and you alone...

Jul 10, 2022

Grounding is  a technique in which you allow yourself to be connected to that moment in time and connected to breath. When you allow yourself to stay in the moment with the understanding that you control and own nothing then you are operating from a neutral energy and can allow for abundance.  When you are mindful...

Jul 3, 2022

Low self esteem is something that holds you back from living a peaceful life.  You focus on the negative and what you aren't doing and how you may be "less than"  Low self esteem is a huge root cause to transactional relationships and fear of taking risks.   

To switch the narrative of the negative talk you have to...