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The Positivity Xperience

Oct 30, 2022

A habit is a routine that has become automatic and doesn't require a lot of thought or intent.  When you are establishing new habits you start with small integrations of the habits you want to aquire with the ones you currently have.  As with anything, having patience and realistic expecations requires baby steps and...

Oct 23, 2022

To be self aware is to know who you are spiritually, mentally and physcially.  Know what your beliefs and morals are that align with YOU.  Self awareness is NOT the awareness of how others see you or how you think they see you.  

Knowing what makes you thrive and grow and how to protect your peace when others don't...

Oct 16, 2022

The ego consists of three parts, the ID, Super Ego & Ego. The ID is related to primative instint and wants what it wants when it wants it.  The Super Ego is what houses your personal morals and the ego balances the two.  

When you have trauma your ego is off balance which can be difficult to find that balance between...

Oct 9, 2022

Believing in yourself is essential to your personal development. To believe in self means that you can block the chatter of the voices in your head and accept that you are enough. 

To believe in self is to understand you will fail and make mistakes.  Knowing that you are enough as you are and accepting that others...

Oct 2, 2022

Striving for perfection is striving for something that doesn't exist.  There is no gold standard of perfection and can be stemmed from trying to live up to others vision of perfection.  When trying to achieve "perfection" it creates burnout, disappointment, depression, anxiety, strained relationships, judgement and fear...